Friday, September 23, 2011
Nursing School With a Baby
I googled "nursing school with baby" for some reason and got a bunch of threads with people weighing in on the feasibility of going through nursing school with a young child or infant. There were a lot of naysayers, but also people who said they had one or MORE children while in nursing school and although hard, they did it.
I have to remind myself that my schooling experience has not been what I assume is typical. My freshman year, doing Anatomy and Physiology I+II, GOB Chemistry I+II as well as other classes, 17 credits total each semester, being pregnant for the last 8 months of school including 6+ weeks of throwing up, was not all that bad. I mean, it was hard, but it wasn't BAD. I got good grades (not a single B or A-!). There was never any need to pull all-nighters, and I almost always got 8-10 hours of sleep, and worked about 12 hours a week.
So yes, I know nursing school will get a LOT harder, and as my daughter gets older, she'll probably need a babysitter a few hours a week. But it's not going to be that bad. I have a husband who is supporting me in this whole thing. He wants to make it work with me.
I keep getting a little nervous about what I envision from people's comments. But then when I focus on the here and now, how it REALLY is, and what's already passed so smoothly considering the circumstances, I don't feel worried at all :)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Odd Thoughts
Once or twice in the recent past, I've caught a glance of myself unexpectedly in the mirror, or on video, and been pretty horrified. I don't even know who I am. Being 30 pounds fatter than I have ever been in my entire life, and having seemingly permanent adult acne contributes to this nowadays, but I have felt this way most of my adult life.
Sometimes I remind myself of all the good things I have going for accomplishments. But you know, there are some things you just can't change, and sometimes they become very important for no reason at all.
Sometimes I feel pretty, but other times I see pictures or catch glances that dashes that thought to pieces.
Thankfully, most of the time, how I look does not make me feel badly, mostly because I don't care or have forgotten about it. Mostly forgotten.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
- pushed myself too hard and generally let myself get run down
- started taking fennugreek, because I wanted to pump more (but baby is getting enough)
- gotten lazy about correcting a latch problem - baby sucks it into a lipstick shape
- let too many hours pas (at night) without feeding the baby or pumping. I think this might have been the biggest factor, as for the past two nights I'd woken up engorged twice each night. Definitely made the boobs mad.
- hot, damp compresses. Use a wet washcloth under a heating pad for extended periods. I slept with it over my breast in between nursing. Also get in the shower and put as hot water as you can reasonably stand, right on the affected area. Massage down towards the nipple
- nurse often, and offer the bad side first so the baby (hopefully) drinks with vigor
- massage the swollen knots firmly with oiled fingers down towards the nipple. Olive oil worked great. I tried to do this especially while nursing, with the hot packs in between
- empty your breasts often. offer them to baby often, and start on the bad side. My daughter already was a very frequent nurser so instead of wishing she'd last longer than 40 minutes in between feedings I thanked her for keeping my boob under control!
- nurse in different positions, including on all fours or leaning forward, hanging the breast above her. I think this one really helped because of the different angle of latch and gravity
- rest! I stayed in bed for practically two days. It felt like I had the flu, anyway so it wasn't that hard
- drink lots of water, take vitamin C (I've been taking emergen-C 3x daily) and echinecea. My midwife also recommended propolis, as well as a few other things I didn't get my hands on
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
My Labor Story
I'm not pregnant anymore!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
CLEP Update
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Now To The Real Point
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
36 weeks
Exhausted, Confuzzled, etc
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The baby is startling me. Sometimes the kicks are pretty vigorous, and they are never accompanied by a warning!
Another thing that has startled me is the scale. At the beginning of pregnancy, I guess I thought that I would gain 30 pounds, maybe I’d even be on the lower end, at 25 or so. Then I lost about 9 pounds from morning sickness and I figured I’d gain about 40 from that low point. But now I am at 34 weeks and I have already gained a total of 53 pounds. I guess it can’t climb much further, as I only have about 6 weeks left. But 53 pounds is a lot. I’ve never weighed this much in my entire life, and it did not occur to me once that I’d possibly gain this much during pregnancy or at any other point in my life.
So I figure I’ll lose about 20 pounds when the baby comes, because my hands are pretty swollen and I’m guessing I’ll have a lot of water retention that goes away. But that’s 33 pounds left to lose. I’ve never lost that much weight in my life, either. There’s a first for everything, I guess.
I Could Do Without You, CT
I had no idea carpal tunnel could be so painful. I knew there was some degree of numbness involved, and I had heard a little here and there about pain. On the last night of our recent trip to California, I woke up in the hotel bed nearly writhing in pain. I knew I didn’t have anything along to take for pain (and I’ve been staying away from medications in general, anyway) and I was too sleepy to be able to think of what to do or think about it. I just whimpered and rolled over, again and again. In the morning my hand was so stiff I could barely bend my fingers. Then later in the day I had been grasping something for a few minutes (pulling myself up on the handle on the ceiling of the car, to be precise) and then it felt like I had arthritis. It was painful to bend my fingers.
I might be exaggerating a bit, because I can’t judge very well how bad something hurt in the middle of the night, just woken from sleep, but I can say I’ll be so glad when it subsides and doesn’t make nightly visits anymore.
Oh, How Short Pregnancy Is
I went on a walk to the grocery today, to get milk (ours went sour on the week-long trip we took) and as I was walking I passed a gym. A serious gym, with kettlebells and big ropes and such. Then a runner passed on the other side of the street. I thought about how comfortable I would be after delivery, and how I’d love to just be able to go out and run, or work out again. But then I felt the baby move, and I realized I would miss the baby being right there, so close. Some days will involve walking with the baby on my body, or in a stroller, or hand in hand, but right now I get to have the baby the closest it will ever get, and I will miss that when it’s over. I think the last 6 weeks should last as long as possible, now.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Why must my family be so splintered? It's been two years since I've talked with my 12 year old sister, due to my parents' ideas about keeping their family "clean" from "bad influences" (me). One brother is friends with me on facebook. I happened upon his pictures of my grandmother's funeral/memorial gathering. I was not invited.
It doesn't make sense to me. And what about the extended family? Some of them sided with my parents, and most of the others I have not been in touch with for various reasons - the shock, the distance, the "I knew you through my parents' circle," etc.
Sometimes I think it will just get better. And sure, it will, eventually. But wrong doesn't just go away. I'll never get back these two years (and more to come) of silence.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Two of My Favorite Labor Videos
Seven Weeks (+/-) to Go
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The Current State
Why This Blog
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Checking Grades on Saturday
Why Gambrinous?
Gambrinous, according to wiktionary, means "Drunk; full of beer."
Drunk definitely isn't what I'm shooting for (it stinks, in my opinion, from personal, vomitous experience), but I believe, as Benjamin Franklin would agree, that God gave us beer and it's a good thing. I'd sooner give my children beer than soda pop. One of my goals is to brew my own beer.
So, Gambrinous because:
- God ordained fermentation
- It's tasty
- It's healthy
- It's wheat-y
- It's comforting
- It's German (that's where I had my first taste)
- There's nothing like it
- The one-beer feeling, as a friend of mine put it, is great. Not drunk, just one-beered.
- It just has a great sound to it. Try it in German; Das bier.
- I like it (for all the above reasons).
Pregnancy Blues
That's not all that bad, I don't think, since pregnancy is so often made out to be a nightmare :)
Things I love:
baby moving
baby belly
knowing the baby is coming soon!
looking at baby clothes
Minor annoyances:
"Is it a girl or a boy?"
being so hard to turn over in bed
not being able to sit still very long
restless legs
not being able to walk as fast
Friday, April 29, 2011
Pregnancy Photos
31 weeks:
48 pounds of weight gain between the pictures. Scary! I don't know what to think :) Still two months to go, too.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Run away, little bird. Run away and be free.
Labor Laws
There's no point in listing everything here, but I feel like going on a little rant about labor. I am having our baby at home, and will not have access to pain-killers. That doesn't make me crazy, but it does mean that I will be mindful enough to know what's going on :P
No "This is so hard!"
Yes "You are doing good at overcoming XYZ, keep it up."
No hidden bad observations.
Yes, tell me bad things if we need to deal with them (IE, you're bleeding and we have to go to the hospital.)
YES: Tell me I'm not going to break. Tell me the baby will be born. Tell me the baby is not being hurt. Tell me everything that is going well. Tell me my vagina is stretching. Tell me I'm not alone - millions if not billions of women have done this and lived!
Am I nervous about labor? No. I feel like I did before I started my first year at college. I want to get into it, feel what I'm up against, and just do it.
I saw a friend's pictures from labor that said "She was so compliant." That scares me a little. I don't want to be compliant. I can imagine the last thing I'll want to do is take orders from anyone.